Retail and Corporate Banking Services

Our service offering is second to none. Whether it is retail or corporate, we have products and services suited to your purpose.

Our Retail Services comprise an extensive range of products and services to ensure that your banking experience is seamless and stress free; while our Corporate Services are bolstered, by a competent team of Accounts Executives who will take care of your financial requirements.

We are committed to providing our customers with superior and professional levels of customer service; always seeking new products and services to meet the ever-changing financial needs of our customers.

Whatever your needs, Retail or Corporate, we have a solution for you!

Visit our subsidiaries for more information:

Bank of Saint Lucia Limited

Bank of St Vincent & the Grenadines Limited


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# 1 Bridge Street,
P O Box 1860,
Saint Lucia

Opening Hours
Monday - Friday: 8:00 am – 2:00 pm
Site by - eMagine Solutions Inc.